Knowledge Base


Studio One 6: Fixing Studio One Settings Permissions on macOS

If your Studio One settings are not saving, this is a permissions problem involving the settings files for Studio One. Below are instructions to resolve the problem.


1. In macOS, go to "Go" in the Finder menu bar, hold down the "Option" key on your computer keyboard until the hidden "Library" appears.



2. Go into the hidden Library > Application Support folder and locate the "PreSonus" folder. Right-click the "PreSonus" folder and select "Get Info."



3. In the "Get Info" option window, make sure that your user account name, "staff," and "everyone" are listed under "Sharing & Permissions" and they are set to "Read & Write" for each. If you need to, click the icon of the padlock, enter your Mac password to unlock the option, and change them.


4. After setting the correct permissions, or after verifying that the correct permissions are set, click the drop-down at the bottom of the window and choose the option to "Apply to enclosed items.


You should be all set after doing this. Open Studio One, any settings changes and configurations will be saved.  If this does not resolve the issue, simply delete the Studio One 6 folder in the PreSonus folder and allow it to be recreated.

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