Knowledge Base


Studio One 6: Installing Studio One from DMG on macOS

For customers who are new to the macOS platform, installing applications is done by opening the DMG file (which is more like a container). Then dragging the application out of the DMG and into the Applications folder. 


We make this easy for you by creating a shortcut in the DMG which goes directly to your Applications folder. 

To install Studio One 6, double-click the DMG that you downloaded from 



  1. Open the Studio One 6.dmg file.
  2. Left click, hold, then drag-and-drop the Studio One 6 icon onto the Applications folder to install the Studio One 6 software.



 After installation, you can drag and drop Studio One 5 from Applications to your Dock.



It is safe to eject Studio One 6 from your desktop. 

1. Right-click the Studio One 6 icon on your desktop. 



2. Press [Eject "Presonus Studio One 6"]





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