Knowledge Base


Is there a 32-bit version of Studio One 6? How do I load my 32-bit plug-ins?

Studio One 6 comes as a 64-bit program only.  There is not a 32-bit installer for Windows, and you cannot run the program as a 32-bit program on a Mac.  


That being said, if you have 32-bit plug-ins that you need to load inside of a 64-bit host, such as Studio One 5, we have two suggestions.  Please keep in mind that your experience with any of these 3rd-party programs can vary from one plug-in manufacturer to another.  ***PreSonus has not tested the use of these programs with all 32-bit plug-ins inside of Studio One 5.***  


1.  There is a program called jBridge that allows you to wrap your 32-bit plug-ins, so that they can run in a 64-bit host.  jBridge has a Windows and Mac version of the program.  Here is a link to the jBridge web site.

If you wish to look at a free alternative then NetVST will also work very well, here is a link to the NetVST website. 

2.  There is another program called 32 Lives that was developed by a company named SoundRadix.  32 Lives will allow you to wrap 32-bit Audio Units as well as VSTs, so that they can run in a 64-bit host.  This program is currently Mac-only.

Here is a link:


For support with either of these products, you will need to contact their respective manufacturers.  

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