To use a hardware synth as both a keyboard to record MIDI and also as a sound module, to have Studio One trigger it's sounds on playback, you'll need two separate devices:
- An External Keyboard Device - To play MIDI into Studio One from the synths keyboard, to record.
- This device only requires a Receive From port assignment.
- An External Instrument Device - To send MIDI out to the synth from Studio One.
- This device only requires a Send To port assignment.
- After creating those two devices, go to the browser and look in the External Instruments folder for your instrument device and drag it in.
- Create an Aux Channel for it which will bring its audio output into the Studio One mixer,
- Assign the input of the Aux channel to whatever audio inputs your synth is connected to on your audio device and save it.
That all there is to it. Whenever you want to use that synth, drag it in from the browser and record,