Knowledge Base


PreSonus Hardware Registration

Published February 19, 2021


To register a PreSonus hardware product you will need the following. 

  • A My.PreSonus account. If you do not have one, please go to to create one before continuing. 
  • The serial number of your product. (Typically located on the bottom/back of your product near the Bar/UPC Code. 
  • The purchase date of your product

Follow these steps to complete your hardware registration

  1. Log into your account at
  2. Click the "Register a Product" button on the homepage of your account
    • Screen_Shot_2021-02-19_at_5.01.22_PM.png
  3. Select "Hardware" from the popup menu
    • Screen_Shot_2021-02-19_at_5.01.40_PM.png
  4. Enter the purchase date and serial number for your product
  5. Click "Register" and wait for the registration to process. Do not go back or refresh the page
  6. Click "View Product" to view your newly registered hardware product
    • Screen_Shot_2021-02-19_at_5.11.53_PM.png




To report any issues, please contact PreSonus Technical Support by creating a Support Ticket at for further assistance.

>How to create a support ticket<



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