Knowledge Base


Studio One still showing up as Prime or Artist after purchasing an upgrade

If you are having issues with your version of Studio One v5 still showing up as Prime (Free version) or Studio One 5 Artist after purchasing an upgrade, please read the instructions below to help resolve the issue:


Open up Studio One 5. Then, go to the menu Studio One > Studio One Activation.


  1. Select "Activate my purchased version of Studio One."
  2. Click on the drop-down for "Product Key."
  3. Press the "Show my existing Product Keys" button.
  4. Select your product key from the list.

***Please do NOT check the box asking if you purchased an upgrade, since the software is already registered to your account.  



Then, press the green "Activate" button to activate your purchased copy of Studio One.


Once completed, Studio One will ask to restart. Restart Studio One and your paid version of Studio One 5 will be unlocked.  Install all relevant content and you are ready to make music.


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