Knowledge Base


How to retrieve a crash report from Studio One...

Below you will find instructions for submitting a crash report to PreSonus.  If you are dealing with an issue in that the program is crashing on you, it is very helpful for us to receive a crash report from your system.  Below you will find instructions for both Mac and Windows:



On a Mac, the location for the crash report is ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/.  To get to this location, simply hold down the "Option" key on your computer keyboard while you click on "Go" in the Finder menu bar.  You will see the hidden Library appear and then you can go into Logs/Diagnostic Reports and copy the crash report.  



If Studio One crashes on Windows, a dump file with a .dmp extension on it will be created.  The file will be created in C:\Users\Your User Account\AppData\Roaming\PreSonus.  You can simply attach the .dmp file to a support ticket and we would be happy to assist.  You can log a support ticket from your account under the "Support" tab.  

***Appdata is a hidden folder on your system.  One thing you can do is to open a search in Windows and type in %appdata%.  This will take you directly to that folder.  Another solution is to show hidden files and folders on your system.  Here is an article from Microsoft that explains how to show hidden files and folders.

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