Knowledge Base


Studio One+ Frequently Asked Questions...

Can I invite non-Studio One+ members to a workspace?

Yes. All they need to do is create a new MyPreSonus account at

Will I still be able to use my software if I don't connect to the internet after 30 days? 

You must connect to the internet at least once every 30 days so that Studio One and Notion can verify that the membership is still active. The software will deactivate if it is unable to connect to the internet within 30 days. The software will automatically reactivate upon launching it, once it is able to connect to the internet.  
***If you are going to be offline, simply open Studio One and go to Help>About Studio One (Windows) or go to Studio One>About Studio One (macOS) and click the link for "Update Now."  This will update your license.  


What happens if I choose to cancel my Studio One+ membership?

If you cancel your Studio One+ membership, you will no longer have access to the software such as Studio One Professional and Notion. Before you cancel, check your songs and projects PreSonus plug-ins (Ampire, Channel Strip Collection, Fat Channel XT, etc), as well as add-ons like the Spark Collection sample packs, and Tom Brechtlein drums... just to name a few. You will unfortunately lose these products as well. 
Also, make sure you download any files uploaded to your workspaces here. Once your membership is canceled, you will no longer have access to your files.
***Once a Studio One song is saved in a later version of Studio One, it can no longer be opened in previous versions.  For example, if you save a song in Studio One 6, you will not be able to open that song in Studio One 5 or below.


How do I cancel my Studio One+ membership?


1. Go to and log in.

2. Click on the three-lined icon at the top right-hand corner of the page, next to your avatar.  Click on “Membership & Billing” in the menu that appears.

3. Within this section of your account, select "Cancel Membership"

How do I reactivate a Studio One+ membership if I previously cancelled?

When you are ready to come back, you can reactivate by purchasing a new membership at or by logging in to your account and selecting "reactivate".

How do I manage my activations for Studio One+?

  1. Go to and log in.
  2. Click on the three-lined icon at the top right-hand corner of the page, next to your avatar.  Click on "Plan" in the menu that appears.
  3. Within the “Plan" section of your account, you can manage or remove any unwanted activations. 
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