Knowledge Base


Studio One 5: ReWire Error Message Upon Opening Studio One 5

***Please note:  If you don’t use ReWire at all, you may do one of the following...

a) Disable the ReWire service in theStudio One preferences under Studio One>Options (Preferences on Mac)>Advanced>Services 

b) Delete the files
/Library/Application Support/Propellerhead Software/ReWire/ReWire.bundle
/Users/USER/Library/Application Support/Propellerhead Software/ReWire/ReWire.bundle


When starting Studio One 5, if you see a ReWire error message, please install the latest version of ReWire.  To do this, follow the steps below...

1.  Close Studio One.



2.  You will need to download the macOS ReWire Installer from within your account.  Just go to Products>Software>Studio One 5 and scroll down to the Downloads section.  The installers is under the Misc. tab.  Here is a screenshot of the installer as it will appear in your account.


***ReWire is not installed with Studio One 5 because Reason Studio is retiring ReWire in 2020. This is stated on the Reason Studio Developer page:






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