This article will outline the things to be aware of when or if you move Studio One songs - copying a song folder - from one computer to another, to avoid the most common issues involved with doing that.
Audio Files
- Make sure that all of the referenced audio files and samples are collected into the song folder.
This can be accomplished by opening a song and going to the browser Pool tab and right clicking and selecting Copy External Files. Alternately, Studio One has an option that will remind you to do that on a regular basis as you work, Options/Preferences > Locations > User Data > Ask to copy external files when saving song.
Doing the above will ensure that all referenced audio files follow the song folder if you move or copy it to another computer. This will also cover most singular third party sample content like drum samples and similar things.
Sound Sets
- Any songs that may have used *.soundset content from Studio One will need to have those same soundsets installed on the other system or they will show as "missing files".
If you use multiple systems make sure you have all of the same *.soundsets installed on all of them, if you use those in your music productions.
Third Party Plug-Ins
- For songs to load fully you would also of course need to have the same third party instruments and audio plug-ins installed if you use any of those. If so, please be aware that plug-ins are not cross platform compatible.
That is to say that if you use AU plugins on macOS in Studio One and open that song on Studio One in Windows, those plugins will not automatically load the VST format versions even if they are installed on that system. They will be listed as missing plug-ins. If you work in both platforms and perhaps commonly move songs between them, please use a common plugin format like VST or VST3 to have full compatibility.
** Note: If you subscribe to PreSonus Sphere you can optionally upload a zip of your song folder there to your Workspace and download it on another computer. Using a USB thumb drive or similar would obviously be faster but this is another option. **