Knowledge Base


Studio One Pro 7: Diagnostic reporting in Studio One

With Studio One Pro 7, there are built-in diagnostics that can be sent to Tech Support to assist with your issues.  Below you will find some information on using these diagnostic tools...


diagnostics 1.png


Right-clicking any Document in the Start Page will present a contextual menu that includes “Open with Options.” From here, you can choose to enable or disable any plug-ins that might be causing issues. 

Document Profiling

Choosing “Profile Document Loading” will open the Document with safety options and provide insights into plug-in load times, 

Choosing “Profile document saving” will provide similar insights related to the Document’s save.


Recovery Options

While we pride ourselves in building Studio One in a manner that provides the best possible stability for all users, sometimes plug-ins—particularly older ones—can introduce conflicts that may result in an unfortunate crash. That’s also why we have auto-save.


In the event that you encounter a crash, you’ll be presented with this Safety Options dialog box:

Diagnostics crash (2).png


With it, you can choose to select or deselect startup activations of Plug-ins by type in an effort to troubleshoot what might be causing your crash. This will help you isolate problematic plug-ins; removing them from your workflow can ensure that they won’t cause a crash again.

You can also force loading of the Safety Options dialog box by pressing and holding <SHIFT> during Studio One’s startup.

Additionally, in the event that you encounter a hard freeze that requires a force quit command to close Studio One, The Safety Options dialog box will also appear the next time you launch Studio One.

Diagnostics Reporting


Diagnsostics 2.png


In the event that you’d like assistance with a Studio One issue from PreSonus Support, one of the best things you can do is click the Create Diagnostics Report button on the bottom left of the Recovery Options dialog. This will compile a report for you to attach to a support ticket, giving your support agent the best information to assist with your issue as efficiently as possible.   


Your report will be created as a .Zip file that you can attach to the support ticket when you create it at Depending on the options selected, the .Zip will contain: 


  • Information about crashed and unexpected behavior
  • Operating system and hardware information
  • A list of installed plug-ins
  • Application log files


You can also access Diagnostics Reporting from the Help drop-down menu at any time. 


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