Knowledge Base


Studio One Pro 7: Setup The QWERTY Keyboard As A MIDI Keyboard

If you don't have a MIDI keyboard controller, you can use your QWERTY keyboard to play sounds with virtual instructions in Studio One.


Open Studio One > Options(Windows) | Preferences(macOS) > External Devices.

Press the [Add] button.



  1. In the Add Device column, choose [PreSonus]
  2. Select QWERTY Keyboard.
  3. Set this as the Default Instrument Input.
  4. Press the [OK] button to confirm the configuration.



Create or open a song, and add an instrument like Presence for instance. To bring up the QWERTY window, press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard. 



You will now be able to use the keyboard to trigger virtual instruments in Studio One.

  1. The Left and Right Arrows on your keyboard controls the Octave shift.
  2. The TAB key controls Sustain.
  3. The Q-W-E-R-T-Y-U-I-O-P, and 2-3-5-6-7-9-0 keys on your computer's keyboard are used for playing the instrument.
  4. The Up and Down Arrows control Velocity.


Unfortunately, the Bend and Mod are not able to be controlled via the keyboard.

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