Knowledge Base


Printing issues with Notion and Progression


  • When printing from a Mac, go to File>Print.  From the print window that appears, choose "PDF" at the bottom left-hand corner, and choose to "Open PDF in Preview."  Once in Preview, print from there.


  • When printing from Windows, simply go to File>Print, choose your printer and press Print.
  • If you print your score and are missing certain artifacts such as staccatos, ledger lines, or any other object, this is more than likely a problem with your printer driver.  You may have a driver that does not support vector graphics.  You can try printing to a pdf document using the Microsoft Print to PDF printer that is part of Windows 10, or a free program called CutePDF and then printing from the PDF.  Another option is to see if there is an updated driver for your printer or a Post Script driver.  Sometimes simply re-installing the printer driver will resolve the issue.

Formatting tips:

  • If you would like to fit your score to a specific paper size, you will want to first go to Score>Full Score Options and from the "Page" tab, set your paper size.  Once you set the paper size, you may see some of your score running off the page.  To fit everything to the paper size that you have selected, you will want to go to Score>Full Score Options, and click on the "Layout" tab.  Here you can change the notation size to a size that accommodates the paper size that you have chosen.  If you would like, you can actually type in values to the first decimal place.  For example, you can type in 3.9, 3.8, etc.  
  • If you have only one system left on the last page and wish to consolidate, you can change the notation size to fit.  You will want to go to Score>Full Score Options, and click on the "Layout" tab.  Here you can change the notation size to a smaller size that will consolidate the last page into the previous pages.  If you would like, you can actually type in values to the first decimal place.  For example, you can type in 3.9, 3.8, etc.  
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