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Troubleshooting VST problems in Notion

Here are some troubleshooting tips for dealing with VSTs and VSTis in Notion and Progression:


  • VST's on a Mac are located in Macintosh HD\Library\Audio\Plug-ins\VST
  • If the program crashes on the "Loading Plug-ins" splash screen during boot up, it is more than likely a problem with a VST.  This is often caused by a VST that is in a sub-directory in the VST folder.  If you have a folder in your VST folder that has a red circle with a white slash on it, then you have a permissions problem.  You can ctrl-click the folder, choose "Get Info," unlock the padlock, and give "Everyone" "Read & Write" access to the folder.  If you cannot tell which VST is causing the problem from the crash report, and there are not any sub-directories in the VST folder, you can create a new folder on your desktop and name it what you wish.  Drag all of your VSTs into this folder so that your VST folder is empty.  Open Notion and verify that the problem is gone.  You can then copy the VSTs back into the VST folder, opening Notion each time until you verify which one is causing the problem.  
  • 32-bit VSTs will not run in the 64-bit version of Notion 4.  By default, the 64-bit version is installed.  If you wish to down-grade Notion to the 32-bit version, simply locate the app in the Applications folder, ctrl-click the app, choose "Get Info," and check the box to run the program as a 32-bit application.  If you wish to run the 64-bit version, you can purchase a program called jBridge, which will wrap your VSTs so that 32-bit VSTs will run in a 64-bit host.


  • On Windows, a default VST location is set when you install your first VST on the system.  A registry entry is created to tell programs where the default VST location is. It is usually HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\VST.  Here you will find the path statement.  There is also the location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\VST.  This is for 32-bit technology.
  • IK Multimedia VSTs and VSTis require that you run Notion 4 as an administrator in order for their authorization wizard to work correctly.  If you have a problem enabling an IK Multimedia VST or VSTi, simply close the program, right-click the Notion icon under Start>All Programs and choose "Properties."  Click on "Compatibility" and check the box to run this program as an administrator.  
  • If you are using EWQL SO, you can find the VST to enable in the VST Manager in the c:\Program Files\Common Files\East West\Vstplugins folder.  This is not the default VST location for your computer so you will have to browse to the VST from VST Manager.
  • Miroslav Philharmonik is a 32-bit VST and requires that you run the host, Notion 4, as an administrator.  You will have to install the 32-bit version of Notion 4 or purchase jBridge to wrap the .dll for the VST.
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