Knowledge Base


I have installed UC Surface 1.4 on my computer/iOS device. Why can't I connect to my mixer?

Firmware/Software versions this article applies to:

● UC Surface version 1.4 (App Store and PC/Mac application releases)
● StudioLive AI Series mixers =     Firmware version 1.0.7045 and above
● StudioLive RM Series mixers =  Firmware version 1.0.7049 and above


***  If StudioLive AI series mixers do not connect to iOS or PC/Mac systems, you may receive a "Spinning Icon" that denotes it is not able to see devices.  ***








The newest update to UC Surface 1.4 has been a major release that introduced a lot of great features, stability and interaction possibilities with new and current products.  

***  This release requires that ALL StudioLive AI mixers be updated to the latest firmware found on your PreSonus User Account.  This update can only be done through the Firmware Recovery process only if your Firmware version is at or below the following firmware versions.  ***

● StudioLive AI Series mixers =     Firmware version 1.0.6452 and below
● StudioLive RM Series mixers =  Firmware version 1.0.6439 and below


StudioLive RM series Firmware Recovery - Factory Reset


StudioLive AI Mixer Firmware Recovery - Factory Reset


If you are still having problems with interaction with your mixer on your network, check out the below articles for further assistance:


Why does my AI mixer show a different IP address then others on my network?


StudioLive XX.4.2 Ai - Wireless Network Setup and Troubleshooting


StudioLive RM Mixer - Wired and Wireless Network Setup and Troubleshooting

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