Knowledge Base


StudioLive XX.4.2 Ai - Universal Control Ai Console

StudioLive XX.4.2 Ai - Universal Control Ai Console

 Universal Control Ai is an application that is found after registering your
mixer with your Presonus User Account.  You can understand where
to find this driver on
this link.

To know the computers and Operating Systems that can correctly run
Universal Control Ai, click on this link here.



The Universal Control-AI Launch Window offers basic configuration tools for
using your StudioLive AI mixer as an audio device on your computer:




A.)  Sample Rate:  Displays the sample rate set on the StudioLive
Ai-series mixer.Because your mixer is always the master clock,
the sample rate must be set in the System menu on your mixer.
This is found under the System Menu >> Page 6


B.)  Clock Source: Displays the master clock for the audio driver.

Power User Tip: As mentioned above, the StudioLive AI mixer is the master
clock for your audio system. The audio driver is clocked externally by the
mixer. This means that your mixer will not be forced to reclock (and mute
its outputs) if your computer crashes or is accidentally disconnected.


C.)  Safe Mode: Changes How the StudioLive Driver’s Buffer Size is Set.

  • Low Latency = Input and Output buffers are both identical to the Buffer
    Size settings.

  • Normal Mode = Slightly increases the output-buffer for typical operation.

  • Safe Mode 1-2 = Increases the output-buffer size for added stability.


D.) Block Size (Windows Only): Changes the StudioLive Buffer Size.

You can set the buffer size from 64 to 4,096 samples. The buffer size determines
the roundtrip time it takes audio data to be converted from analog to digital and
back to analog. As a general rule, the higher the buffer size, the better the system
performance, but the less playable virtual instruments and the like become. In
general, 512 samples (11 to 12 milliseconds) will provide you with a large enough
buffer for optimum system performance, but low enough to be unobtrusive.

**You should set your buffer size prior to launching your host application.

***On Mac, the buffer size is set from inside your host application.

For more information on how digital latency works, click on this link here.


E.)  Device Window (Firewire/option card connection):

When a StudioLive Ai mixer is connected via Firewire or one of the 
optional cards available (coming soon), you will see the designated 
icon for that connection.

Should you need to troubeshoot this connection, please see this link here.


F.)  Device Window (Ethernet/Wireless connection):

This window will show when a StudioLive Ai is connecte via a wired or wireless
network.  The network information will show a "Wifi" icon denoting it is connected
and can be viewed.  IP address information can be found to identify itself on the
network.  To find out where to find your IP address on your StudioLive mixer,
see the link below:

StudioLive Ai XX.4.2 Wireless Network Setup and Troubleshooting


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