Why will Universal Control no longer launch for my classic StudioLive mixer or Firestudio family interface after installing Universal Control-AI for the new StudioLive-AI mixer?
Universal Control-AI for StudioLive AI family mixers installs a newer Firestudio driver version than the one installed by the classic Universal Control 1.7 installer. In order to use a StudioLive-AI family mixer and a classic StudioLive mixer or Firestudio family interface on the same computer, you must install the latest Universal Control software so that the Universal Control Launcher and VSL Mixer Control Panel will work correctly.
- Universal Control 1.7.2 for PC supports co-install with Universal Control-AI v1.0.2.24818 for StudioLive AI consoles, as well as 1.7.4 supports driver up to
- Universal Control 1.7.4 for Mac supports co-install with Universal Control-AI v1.6.0.30286 and later for StudioLive AI Consoles, as well as UC Surface v1.3.33654 and later for StudioLive AI Consoles and StudioLive RM series rack mixers.
Universal Control is available on the public downloads page for the classic StudioLive and Firestudio devices:
If you have already installed Universal Control-AI, you may be able to simply download and run the latest Universal Control installer and it will likely resolve any issues with classic StudioLive and Firestudio devices.
If you do have problems getting either device recognized or working, it may require that you fully uninstall both classic Universal Control and Universal Control-AI from your computer and then re-install each first before connecting either device.
Uninstalling Universal Control-AI
Follow the instructions for Uninstalling Universal Control-AI Drivers and Software in this Knowledgebase Article:
Be sure to only complete the Uninstall portion. Do not download and reinstall yet.
Uninstalling classic Universal Control and Firestudio software
Follow the instructions for Uninstalling Universal Control and Firestudio Family Drivers and Software in this Knowledgebase Article:
Be sure to only complete the Uninstall portion. Do not download and reinstall yet.
Installing Universal Control 1.7.x and Universal Control-AI
Now that all Universal Control related software has been removed, you can proceed with the Downloading and Installing the Latest Driver portions of each of the aforementioned Knowledgebase articles. It is recommended that you leave all devices disconnected until both installs are complete.
- Download the Universal Control installer (for intents and purposes, 1.7.4 for PC and Mac) from the classic StudioLive or Firestudio family device's download page: http://www.presonus.com/support/downloads
- Download the installer for Universal Control-AI from the My Hardware page of your Presonus User Account, under the listing for your registered StudioLive-AI mixer: https://my.presonus.com/
- Install Universal Control 1.7.x first and reboot.
- Install Universal Control-AI next and reboot.
- Now connect your classic StudioLive or Firestudio device and open Universal Control to confirm that it's working, and then quit Universal Control and disconnect the StudioLive/Firestudio device.
- Next, connect the new StudioLive-AI mixer and open Universal Control-AI to confirm that it's also working.
- Once both devices have been connected and installed properly, you should be able to switch back and forth between the classic StudioLive/Firestudio and the StudioLive-AI as needed.
NOTE: We do not support using the classic StudioLive or Firestudio devices and the StudioLive-AI mixers both connected at the same time.