Knowledge Base


Are there any specific routers that are NOT recommended to use with the StudioLive AI mixers?



The following routers have been determined to be problematic in some way. Most provide limited functionality in some way, but you may be able to work with these limitations:


1. Apple Airport Express and Extreme routers (Gen 1 through Gen 5)- In our testing the Airport routers were very problematic to connect to and to keep devices connected to. Some customers have reported no issues, but others have had no success with them at all. If you can make it work and you’re ok with it, then please use it. We will not be able to troubleshoot these with you. We recommend that you use another router to avoid potential future problems. Note Added 11/12/13. You must ensure you have the latest firmware on your Airport Extreme and that no other Airport routers are running. For more on this see this forum thread in our community area:

NOTE: The 6th Generation Airport Extreme has worked very well in our tests with AI mixers.


2. AT&T U-verse and other ISP provided routers - We've seen an issue with the AT&T U-verse router where it router will connect to the mixer, but the mixer will show for the IP address. Cycling power on the mixer will allow the IP address to appear, however you may need to re-enter the password a 2nd time.

We've also had reports and feedback from customers that many ISP provided routers and combination router/modems have issues working with AI mixer networking. Our recommended configuration is to use a standalone and dedicated wireless router with your StudioLive AI mixer, preferably from the recommended routers list.


3. Cisco / Linksys E-Series - We found that while some E-Series routers do work on initial setup, after a period of time the number of wireless devices that can connect to it appears to be limited. If your device count is limited to just a few iOS devices, it may work well, but beyond that you may experience problems trying to connect multiple devices.


4. ASUS RT-N10+ - We found these to be problematic where no WAN connection is present. It has a nag screen that comes up on your iOS device that wants you to connecto a WAN. There is no way to disable it this on the router. If there is a WAN connection already in place for your home or office network, you will not get the nag screen, however you’ll need to pick a router we do recommend if you want to take your mixer to a gig.


5. Netgear WNR1500 - We found this model to have an issue where if both the mixer and computer are connected to the router via Ethernet cable, UC-AI will not see the mixer. Connecting either the mixer or the computer to the router via WiFi will allow UC-AI to see the mixer though. Importantly, the WNR1500 does not appear to have the problem of only allowing limited number of devices  to connect, as seen with the Linksys E-series and D-Link DIR-655.


6. D-Link DIR-655 - Our initial testing seemed to show this to be one of the better routers in our Test lab and it was the one we initially recommended, but it now appears that the DIR-655 has issues with allowing more than 5 or 6 iOS devices to connect to the mixer. If your device count is limited to just a few iOS devices, it may work well, but beyond that you may experience problems trying to connect multiple devices.


7. Belkin N450 - In our testing of the N450, it performed reasonably well, but users should note that modern Belkin routers seem to require an internet connection in order to set them up. We specifically tested the N450, but our research shows that all current routers on the Belkin website appear to require an internet connection in order to set them up. For this reason, we generally recommend against using these routers, though your results may vary, and if you're using the router in a situation where you can have it connected to the internet, it may not be an issue for you.



NOTE: Some router models have a feature which tells connected devices when no internet connection is preset upon connection. iOS usually sees these WiFi networks as Captive Wi-Fi networks, and it has an Auto-Login feature for networks that offer this capability (i.e. similar to a hotel or airport wifi login, etc.). The default iOS network setting for a Wi-Fi network with no internet connection is to try and Auto-Login, and it will give you a prompt to do so when you connect. If you don't want the login nag screen, or to have to choose "Connect without an internet connection" every time, then you have to turn off Auto-Login on your iOS device.


See here for more examples:


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