Knowledge Base


If I mute a channel, should it also mute in the Aux? / When I mute a channel, why does it still come through the Aux?

18 Nov 2020

If I mute a channel, should it also mute in the Aux? / When I mute a channel, why does it still come through the Aux?

On the original StudioLive mixers, muting a channel would mute it in all buses it was assigned or routed to. This was a fixed and non-adjustable behavior. With the StudioLive-AI mixers, we added an option on the first page of the System Menu which allows you to change how mute will function. If Global Aux Mute is set to YES, muting a channel functions just like the original StudioLive mixers and it will mute in all assigned buses and Auxes. If Global Aux Mute is set to NO, muting a channel only mutes it in the channel’s assigned buses (Main, Sub 1-4) but not in the Auxes.



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