Knowledge Base


Pro Tools i/o limitations

Updated January 13, 2021

Technical Support receives questions every so often about Pro Tools i/o issues and/or limitations.  After some research we’ve determined that:

  • Starting with Pro Tools 9.x, and all future versions are limited to 32 i/o Channels (maximum).
    • This includes 10.x, 11.x, all flavors of 2020x include subscription and Ultimate versions. 
  • Avid only supports the i/o on a single interface/driver.
  • There are situations where PT users have over 32 channels of i/o available and Pro Tools will not launch until the inputs and outputs in excess of 32 are disabled.
  • On our StudioLive AI series Consoles and Rackmounts, including Cascaded systems, with Digital Returns that are firmware mapped to channel 33/34 cannot be used for playback.  The return must be placed on input channels 32 and below.  In all Series III consoles and Series III Rackmount products, this applies except for the StudioLive 16R mixers.
  • i/o must be recognized by the system as being a single interface (aggregate devices in Macs “may” work, but this is not a supported method)


  • Only the Quantum 4848 has a Pro Tools Feature which re-aligns the outputs so that main out L/R is within the 32 channel limit. This is a unique feature only found on this one product in the PreSonus catalog. 

The following link will explain some differences between versions of Pro Tools:

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