Knowledge Base


What is a "Zip" file and how do I extract my drivers from it?


I just downloaded the most recent drivers from your Web site, but I am unfamiliar with a .zip file.  How do I install the drivers now that I have this file?



 Files with the extension ".zip" are compressed folders.  All files inside this folder must be extracted before running a “ .exe”  file.  Please reference the following errors:

  • “Windows cannot open this file:"   Either upgrade to Service Pack 2 or go to & download their software (a free evaluation version is available).
  • "This application may depend on other compressed files in this folder."  Click "Extract all" & follow the Wizard through the extraction process.
  • "This file has a potentially unsafe file type of .EXE:"   Click "No".  Click "Wizard" in the WinZip application window & follow it through the extraction process.


*If you have any further questions regarding .zip files, please reference [ ]'s "Basic Information" & "Power Tips"

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