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Mac OS X: Studio One Crashing

Common Causes For Studio One Crashing on Mac OS X


The Mac runs OS X 10.7 or above, and an older version of Universal Control is installed

In this instance, Studio One will crash on OS X 10.7 or above when versions of Universal Control prior to 1.6 are installed. Commonly, this occurs when the driver is installed from the disk, rather than from the website. To rectify this issue, follow the instructions:

1. Close out of Universal Control software, if it's actively running on your system.

2. Make sure your FireStudio family device is not powered on or connected to the computer.

3. Download this Mac OS X .dmg file labelled as "Universal Control v1.7.2 - Mac" from this page (this is the StudioLive 24.4.2 page, but Universal Control software is the same for the FireStudio/StudioLive hardware family of products):

4. After the "PreSonus_Universal_Control_172.dmg" has completely been saved to your Mac's "Download" folder, open it up. You should see a install window showing two (2) objects.

5. Run the object on the right labelled: "Uninstall Universal Control". Click on the "Uninstall" button. When it has completed, click "Quit". Then, manually restart your Mac by closing out of all running software programs, then click on the Apple Logo icon on the upper-left hand corner and select "Restart".

6. When the Mac restarts and comes back up, navigate to your Mac HD > Downloads folder and find that very same "PreSonus_Universal_Control_17.dmg" file that you downloaded back in Step #3. Double-click it. You should be seeing the same two (2) items as before. This time, however run the object on the left labelled: "PreSonus Universal Control.pkg". It will prompt you for a "Restart" when the software has finished installation. This time, click the "Restart" button in the install wizard.

After your computer has restarted a 2nd time, power up your FireStudio device and launch Studio One recording software. It should open up completely to the Start Page successfully now.

Additionally, you will want to update Studio One as well. 

Studio One is running in 32-bit mode

A 32-bit application can only utilize around 4 GB of RAM. If you are working in large projects and are experiencing crashes, your system could be running out of memory. 64-bit applications can make use of memory values higher than 4 GB, resulting in much improved performance.

To set Studio One to run in 64-bit mode, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the Studio One application in your Mac's Applications folder
  2. Right-click or CTRL+click Studio One
  3. Select "Get Info"
  4. Expand the "General" tab
  5. Uncheck the box for "Open in 32-bit Mode"

The next time you open StudioOne, your software will run in 64 bit mode and it will have access to all of the memory your computer has available. 

Note: You should also be able to simply select the Studio One application on your Dock - if present - and perform this action. If you have created an "Alias" for Studio One that is on your desktop or other location, you will need to perform this action on the Alias as well, not simply the application in your Applications folder.

Additionally, Studio One cannot utilize 32-bit plugins in 64-bit mode; conversely, Studio One cannot access 64-bit plugins in 32-bit mode. Please consult with your plugin manufacturers to make sure that you have the 64-bit versions of your plugins installed on your Mac. 

If you're still having problems...

If you continue having issues with crashing on StudioOne in 64 bit mode, please contact tech support by logging into your account and submitting a new support ticket at the link below:

It is very helpful to support to have the following documents available:

  1. The crash report in rich text format or Word document
  2. A screenshot or notation of the version of Studio One that you are using
  3. A Mac system profile in .spx format. Instructions are below for creating this document:

To access your MAC's System Profile:

* For OS X 10.7 (Lion) and 10.8 (Mountain Lion): Apple Menu > About this Mac > More Info > System Report File > Save
* For OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) and earlier: Apple Menu > About this Mac… > More Info > File > Save
* IMPORTANT: Click File -> Save As and save it as "your_name.spx"

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