Knowledge Base


FaderPort Classic - How do I set up my FaderPort Classic in Cakewalk / BandLab Sonar?

This article applies to this model FaderPort:


How do I set up my FaderPort Classic in Cakewalk / BandLab Sonar?

Once you have run the Faderport Classic Control Installer and connected your FaderPort Classic, launch Sonar to set up the FaderPort Classic as a native controller.


1. In Sonar, go to Edit > Preferences > MIDI > Devices and check Faderport for both the Input and Output section



2. Next, go to the Control Surfaces section and click the yellow star to Add a New Control Surface



3. Select PreSonus FaderPort as Controller/Surface.



4. Select Faderport for both Input Port and Output Port. Click “OK” and close the window.



5. Go to the MIDI > Playback and Recording section and make sure both "Key Aftertouch" and "Channel Aftertouch" are checked.  Click “OK” to close the window.



Your FaderPort Classic is now ready to use. Enjoy!

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