What is a Firmware Recovery and when or why would I need to perform one on my CS18AI?
This first firmware update for the CS18AI includes some firmware changes that will require a Firmware Recovery in order to update from the factory firmware your CS18AI ships with.
A Firmware Recovery is similar to a Firmware Update, but the process is slightly different, and instead of merely updating the CS18, it actually reloads the controller’s entire firmware image, which will also reset the unit to a factory default state. This will erase any saved Wifi network information on the CS18AI, and if you have previously connected to an RM mixer, you will need to manually choose the mixer to connect to again.
NOTE: It is also for this reason that Network Firmware Update will not be available for this release.
It is highly recommended that when doing firmware updates or a Firmware Recovery that you use a Sandisk USB flash drive, as mentioned in the following knowledge base article. Some USB flash drives will not work correctly for Firmware Recovery:
SanDisk Cruzer USB Flash Drive Compatibility with StudioLive AI
For A List Of Firmware Recovery Steps Shown In The Video, Please See Below:
Firmware Recovery Process
If you haven't registered your StudioLive CS18AI, you should first do so here: https://my.presonus.com/
1. Download the firmware files for you mixer from your My Presonus account. To get the firmware files, click on the "View More Details" link for your CS18AI on your My Products page and click the "Firmware" tab in the Downloads area.
2. Open your downloads folder and locate the StudioLive CS18AI firmware download. The folder will be named with CS18AI followed by the firmware version (e.g., CS18AI_v7055).
3. Depending on your computer's system preferences, the firmware folder may not automatically uncompress from the .zip file. To expand it, simply double-click it.
4. Open the firmware folder; you will find four files inside. You will need all four files to upgrade your mixer:
5. Connect a FAT32-formatted USB thumb drive to your computer.
Power User Tip: We recommend doing a fresh format of the drive. It is important that you use a drive no smaller than 1 GB and no larger than 32 GB in size. If the update cannot start or complete, it is highly recommended that you do a full reformat of your thumb drive as FAT32. On Windows, be sure to do a "Full" format as opposed to a "Quick" format. On Macs, the choice will be listed as MS-DOS (FAT). If you don't have success with a particular thumb drive, you may need to try a different thumb drive.
NOTE: El Capitan 10.11.X users will have different formatting instructions. Please see this link below:
Formatting with Disk Utility on Mac El Capitan 10.11
6. Select all four firmware files and either copy/paste or drag them to the root of your thumb drive. Make sure the files are at the top level of your drive and not contained in a folder. Eject your drive and disconnect it from your computer.
7. Turn off your StudioLive CS18AI.
8. Remove the Wi-Fi LAN adapter (if connected). Plug the USB Flash drive into the USB port on the back of the CS18AI
9. Press and continue to hold the Home Button as you power on your CS18AI.
Continue to hold the Home button as the CS18AI powers up.
The LED meters will begin to scroll back and forth as during a normal boot. You will continue holding the Home button until the LED meters stop scrolling and the far left Channel 1 LED meter is illuminated. This indicates that Firmware Recovery has started, and as it progresses, the LED meters will illuminate up one at a time from left to right, serving as a progress indicator.
When all 22 of the LED meters are illuminated, the Firmware Recovery is complete. Do not power your CS18AI off until all LED meters are illuminated.
NOTE: This process should take about 10 minutes to complete.
10. Once all 22 LED meters are illuminated and the Firmware Recovery is complete, you may power off the CS18AI and remove the thumb drive. You can also insert your USB WiFi adapter at this time
NOTE: When the CS18AI is connected to the network via WiFi, it is for control only. The CS18AI local I/O utilizes AVB audio transport, which requires either a direct ethernet connection between the CS18AI and RM mixer, or a network that supports AVB audio by using an AVB Network Switch.
11. Power your CS18AI back on. It should now be updated and ready to use.