Knowledge Base


Installing the Klanghelm SDRR2Tube Plug-in that comes with the Studio Magic Bundle

The following information explains the process for registering the Klanghelm SDRR2Tube plug-in on Klanghelm's site and activating it for use within Studio One 3.  The Klanghelm SDRR2Tube plug-in comes with the StudioMagic Plug-In Suite. 

*If you are running Studio One 3 Artist, you will need to be running version 3.5.5 or higher for the plug-in to show up.



1.  You can find your product key for the Klanghelm SDDR2Tube plug-in inside of your account.  Once you are logged into your account, just go to My Products>Add-ons to locate the plug-in.  Below is a screenshot:


2.  Click the Download button in your account to be taken to the Klanghelm web site where you can register your product key. 

***When registering your code, the Klanghelm product key is case-sensitive.  For best practice, just copy the code out of your account and paste it into the Klanghelm web site.

Below is a screenshot of the landing page:


3.  Once you enter the Product Key from your account, just add your full name and email address. You will then be sent an email from Klanghelm giving you login details for logging into their site and resetting your password.  Below is an example of the email that you will receive:

*PreSonus does not have control over the email server.  If you do not receive the email, you will need to contact Klanghelm.  Make sure that you check your spam folder as well as your internet connection before contacting Klanghelm. Support information for Klanghelm can be found at the bottom of this article.


4.  From the email, you will want to click the link to be taken to the log in page from Klanghelm.  Use the email address and temporary password from the email to log in.  


5.  Once you have logged into your account, you can take a moment to reset your password.  In the screenshot below, it shows you where you can reset your password as well as download the installers.  There is also a link to upgrade to the full SDRR version if you are interested.


6.  You will notice that there are zip files as well as installers for the plug-in.  The zip files are for advanced users if they choose to manually place the .dlls. It is recommended that you download the installer rather than the zip file.  Once you have downloaded the installer, it will place a zip file on your computer.  This will go to your Downloads folder or the pre-defined place that is set in your browser settings for your web browser.  If you are on a Windows machine, you will want to right-click the zipped folder and choose to extract it.  Below you will see an image that shows you how to do this.  

*If you are on a Mac, you can simply double-click the downloaded zipped folder and it will extract into the same folder that the zip file is in.  Just run the .pkg file that is in the zipped folder and follow the on-screen instructions.  


7.  Once you have unzipped the folder, you can then go into the new folder and run the installer.  Below is a screenshot that illustrates the file that needs to be run:


8.  If you receive a message from Windows Defender SmartScreen that is blocking the installation of the plug-in, you will need to click "More Info."  Below is a screenshot:


9.  You will then be taken to the below screen, where you can choose "Run Anyway."


10.  Once the installer begins, you will want to click "Next" to begin the installation.


11.  You will then be taken to the following screen that asks where you would like to install the program. This is not the actual VST, but rather the application.  It is recommended that you stay with the default location.


12.  On the next screen of the installer, you are asked where you would like to install the 32-bit version of the plug-in.  

*If you are running Studio One 3 Artist, you will want to keep the default location.  

*On a Mac, your plug-ins are installed into a default location.  Macintosh HD/Library/Audio/Plug-ins/VST


13.  On the next screen, you are asked where you would like to install the 64-bit version of the VST.  

*If you are running Studio One 3 Artist, you will want to keep the default location.  

*On a Mac, your plug-ins are installed into a default location.  Macintosh HD/Library/Audio/Plug-ins/VST


14.  You will then be taken to a screen that gives you the option to install the desired plug-ins. For Studio One, you will want to choose VST.  If you are a Pro Tools user, you will also want to install the AAX version.  

***The AU version of the plug-in will not show up in Studio One 3 Artist without purchasing the VST, AU, and ReWire support add-on.  Here is a link to the add-on in our store. The VST2 version of the plug-in will show up in Studio One 3 Artist though.



15.  Finally, you will want to open your DAW and the plug-in should be fully functional.  It does not require activation.  Below is a screenshot that illustrates where the plug-in will show up.  Simply drag the plug-in onto a track to use it.


Here is a link to the Klanghelm support page:



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