Knowledge Base


Permissions Issue with SL Remote and Qmix Classic (8-2-17)

ATTENTION: As of 8/4/17, Qmix and SL Remote have since been updated again to resolve this issue (Qmix 1.4.5848 and SL Remote 1.6.5848) but it also requires an update to Universal Control.

You must use this new Universal Control (v1.7.5.5848 on PC or on Mac) in order for the updated Qmix and SL Remote to work.

Updates do apply to and can be download from the following links:

StudioLive 16.4.2 
StudioLive 24.4.2 
StudioLive 16.0.2 (FireWire) 

If you need to verify what version of Universal Control you have installed, see this link below:

How do I know my Universal Control is up to date?


QMix Classic and SL Remote were recently recompiled as 64-bit applications to be compatible with the forthcoming iOS 11 update from Apple.

  • QMix v1.4.5841
  • SL Remote v1.6.5841

In an effort to have these iOS 11-compatible versions available without delay, we released the updated QMix Classic and SL Remote a bit prematurely. We discovered after their release that there was an unexpected issue with device IDs and device permissions related to changes in iOS from the prior versions these apps supported.

The issues with Qmix and SL Remote permissions stem from how device ID is now handled in order to comply with changes to iOS. The problem is that all devices now end up with the same device ID, with the result being that whatever permissions are assigned in VSL for one device are consequently assigned for all devices.

Until a fix can be released, we have several recommendations on how to deal with the issues in the existing app versions currently available on the App Store.

First, if you already have Qmix or SL Remote installed on any devices, simply do not update these applications and you will not experience any issues.

If you have already updated either or both, then the device ID and permissions issue can be worked around by following a few guidelines.

  • All Qmix devices should be set to permissions for All Auxes, and users should be instructed to take care to only select and control their own Aux mix. Due to the device ID issue, whatever Aux you assign one Qmix device to, all Qmix devices will be assigned to that Aux.

  • Because all devices in effect have the same ID, the last device to connect will result in all devices being assigned the same permissions it has. The result is that if you have an SL Remote device connected with full Front of House permissions and you then connect a Qmix device, this will override the SL Remote device’s permissions, setting it to the Aux Only permissions of the Qmix device.

    To avoid this, the SL Remote device should be connected last, so as to preserve its Front of House permissions. As long as SL Remote connects after all Qmix devices, Qmix permissions should not interfere with SL Remote permissions.

    Likewise, all SL Remote devices should be set to Front of House permissions, since setting permissions for one will set the same permissions for all.

Further considerations:

  • If any devices sleep or otherwise disconnect from the mixer, when they are reconnected, their permissions will again be applied for all devices. This can result in a Qmix device that has become disconnected and then reconnected to remove Front of House permissions from SL Remote.

    In the event that this happens, you can simply press the Home button on your iPad and then touch the SL Remote icon to open the app again. It will automatically reopen and reconnect to your mixer, re-setting its Front of House permissions.

  • If you have only updated Qmix or SL Remote, but not both, then you will largely avoid the issue, as it will only be present for the devices that have updated to these newer versions of Qmix and SL Remote currently on the app store.

    For instance, if you have only updated Qmix devices, then you will not experience the loss of SL Remote Front of House permissions when Qmix devices connect, but you will still need to set all Qmix devices running this newer Qmix version to the same permissions setting.

    Conversely, if you have only updated SL Remote, you will not experience any issues with Qmix permissions, or Qmix causing problems with SL Remote permissions, but all devices running this newer version of SL Remote will still need to be set to the same Front of House permissions setting.


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