Knowledge Base


Installing the Plugin Alliance - Brainworx bx_opto, SPL Attacker, Maag Audio EQ2 that come with the StudioMagic Plug-In Suite

***New for 2020 - BX_Rockrack and SPL Attacker Plus.  The process for installing these is the same, just make sure that you select them in the Plugin Alliance Installation Manager.

The following information explains the process for registering the Plugin Alliance - Brainworx bx_opto, SPL Attacker, and Maag Audio EQ2 plug-ins on Plugin Alliqance's web site and activating the software in Studio One 3.  The Plugin Alliance - Brainworx bx_opto, SPL Attacker, and Maag Audio EQ2 plug-ins come with the StudioMagic Plug-In Suite.


*If you are running the "Artist" version of Studio One 3, you must be upgraded to version 3.3.4 or higher in order to use the plug-in.  The Plugin Alliance plug-ins will not work with the OEM version of Studio One 3 Artist.


***For information on M1 compatibility, please refer to the article below... 


1.  You can find your product key for the Plugin Alliance plug-ins inside of your account.  They are under My Products>Add-ons, once you are logged into your account.  Below is a screenshot:



2. Once you click the "Download" button, you will be taken to Plugin Alliance's web site page where you can redeem your product key.


3.  On the following screen, you will find instructions for creating an account with Plugin Alliance and redeeming your voucher.  The "Voucher" is the product key that can be found in your account as illustrated in step 1.  



4.  Once you have redeemed your product key/voucher, you will be sent to a checkout screen.  You will notice that the balance is 0 on this page.  At this point, you will want to click the "Checkout" button and proceed to checkout.  Below is a screenshot:



5.  After checkout, you will be taken to a page where you can download your Installation Manager from PA.  




6.  Once you have downloaded the Installation Manager for your operating system, you will want to run the software and select the plugins that you wish to install.  The plugins that are being provided through the Presonus Bundle are Brainworx bx_opto, SPL Attacker (be sure to select “Attacker” and not “Attacker Plus,") and Maag Audio EQ2.  If you choose the option for "My Products," it will narrow the list for you.  You will want to check the boxes for these plug-ins as well as the option to install the VST2 and VST 3 versions.  

*As a Presonus bundle customer you will be offered special pricing on the upgrade to Attacker Plus. This offer will appear on your Plugin Alliance account page under Manage Registered Plugins.


Below is a screenshot:




7.  After choosing your plug-ins that you would like to download, you can simply press the "Download/Install" button.  After downloading the plug-ins, you will be asked to install them.  In the installation process, you will be asked to choose a location to install the plug-ins to.  By default this is set to c:\Program Files\VSTPlugins.  If you are running the "Artist" version of Studio One 3, you do NOT want to change this installation path.  



8.  Once you have installed all of your Plugin Alliance plugins, you will want to open Studio One 3 and drag one of the plug-ins into a song from the Browser window.  You can then follow the on-screen instructions for activating.  You will not need a code at this point, you will just need to sign in using your Plug-in Alliance credentials after choosing the computer that you are installing the plug-ins on.  

*If you have any problems installing or activating your Plugin Alliance plug-ins, you will want to contact Plug-in Alliance's support.












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